Tirwa, Kannauj


Awesome Institute for Para Medical and Health Courses at

Kamla Institute of Para Medical College

Providing both theoretical and practical knowledge through our courses, we intend to prepare skilled workforce that can take challenges and evolve with the technological changes. .

Our courses are also helpful to existing professionals who want to upgrade their skills to keep up with the constantly changing industrial requirements.

Our Best Courses

Here at Kamla Institute of Para Medical we provide all types of para medical courses, some of them are given below...


Diploma in Medical Lab Technician.


Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science.


General Duty Assistant.


Diploma in Electro Homoeopathy.


Diploma in Physician Assistant


Diploma in Patient Care Assistant

Our Yoga Courses

Here at Kamla Institute of Para Medical we provide job oriented YOGA Courses for our students.

Diploma in Yoga Teacher

Kamla Institute of Para Medical

Diploma in Yoga Teacher Theraphy Educator

Kamla Institute of Para Medical

Foundational Course in Yoga

Kamla Institute of Para Medical

Our Best Courses

Kamla Institute of Para Medical Provide short term but fully job oriented medical courses...

Diploma in Operation Theator Techniques.
Diploma in X-Ray & ECG Technician
Diploma in Dental Lab Technician
Diploma in Radiology